Buy Hold Sell

Buy Hold Sell

A financial news talk show addressing the events of the week on Wall Street and forecasting what investors should expect in the immediate future. Hosted by Veronica Dudo with permanent panelists, Tobin Smith & Todd M. Schoenberger, joined by a rotation of guest panelists.

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Most Recent Episode

In this episode of "WealthWise with Jordan Kimmel," host Jordan Kimmel brings you two of Wall Street’s most respected figures. David C.M. Lucterhand, Managing Director at MarketGrader Capital, uncovers the unique research methods that drive MarketGrader's success. Following this, John Dobosz, Editor of Forbes' top newsletters, reveals his stock-picking secrets and outstanding market performance. This episode is a must-watch for any investor looking to gain a competitive edge and enhance their investment portfolio.

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💥"WealthWise with Jordan Kimmel" is a CrossCheck Media production, executive produced by Todd M. Schoenberger, and distributed by Biz Talk Today TV (BTT)💥

- WealthWise with Jordan Kimmel

- Jordan Kimmel

- Wall Street success

- MarketGrader insights

- Forbes strategies

- David C.M. Lucterhand

- John Dobosz

- stock market secrets

- investment tips

- top stock picks

- Forbes newsletters

- financial advice

- investment strategies

- stock research

- portfolio enhancement

- Biz Talk Today TV


- CrossCheck Media

- Todd M Schoenberger

* Wall Street

* MarketGrader

* Forbes

* David C.M. Lucterhand

* John Dobosz

* stock picks

* investment strategies

* Forbes Dividend Investor

* Forbes Premium Income Report

* Forbes Billionaire Investor

* Jordan Kimmel

* WealthWise

* stock market analysis

* investing tips

* financial advice

* financial planning

* stock research

* investment insights

* financial experts

* stock performance


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Buy Hold Sell is brought to you by CrossCheck Media

CrossCheck Media is an American media and publishing company operating across digital information, news media, book publishing, podcasts, and streaming TV.

The company is a subsidiary of CrossCheck Management LLC, a single-family office incorporated in Delaware and headquartered in Washington, DC, with a satellite office in Buffalo, NY. The firm specializes in alternative investments focused on the Finance and Entertainment Industries, specifically in music, television, and film.

CrossCheck Management LLC is a private firm, which is not required to disclose its holdings and prospective investments with outsiders. Non-family investment dollars are not permitted, nor considered.

CrossCheck Media currently produces three television programs: Buy Hold Sell, BHS-Live and Power Hour. All three are developed inside the Big Whig Media studio, located at The Willard Hotel in Washington, DC.

The Team

Veronica Dudo

As the face and voice of some of the top-rated media companies in the world including NBC News; CBS News; CrossCheck Media; AOL, The Hill; Me-TV; and Ticker News--Veronica is lauded as an Emmy® Award nominated journalist, global communications expert and international relations consultant.

Todd M. Schoenberger

The seasoned Wall Street and media contributor has had career stops with T. Rowe Price, Merrill Lynch, USAA and LandColt Capital LP. Todd currently serves as Chief Investment Officer for family office, CrossCheck Management LLC, and Executive Producer for all programs developed by CrossCheck Media.

Tobin Smith

Although he may be best known for his 14 years on the FOX News Network and FOX Business Network as a market analyst and anchor, Tobin Smith is most valued as an investment newsletter publisher and editor who has created, published and edited some of the most successful investment newsletters of all-time.