Discussing why Washington acts - or doesn’t- the way it does

Joe and Eric explore and explain “the what and why” of Washington.
Through thoughtful interviews with inside the room experts, they shine a
light on the black box of DC and break down healthcare issues and
policy areas that shape healthcare.

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Presented By

Survivors For Solutions is a nonprofit patient advocacy organization created by John Czwartacki to stand up for those who are in need of solutions for their health challenges but are too often without a voice in Washington.

The Team

Eric Ueland

Former top Capitol Hill and executive branch leader with extensive policy and political experience at the White House, the State Department, and in the United States Congress.

Joe Grogan

Health policy thought leader playing a key role in healthcare’s most consequential debates of the last decade. Formerly the President’s lead advisor on a variety of domestic policy issues

John Czwartacki

Executive Producer
Served at the highest levels of both the executive and legislative branches, leading public affairs and communications responsibilities for some of the best-known policymakers in America.