Stories of America's Greatest Heroes

Ken Harbaugh tells the stories of service members who have distinguished themselves through an act of valor. These stories feature recipients from the Civil War to present day, including a few who were originally overlooked for the medal.

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James Howard

| S:2 E:4

Howard led a long career as a pilot, serving in multiple branches of the military and across several conflicts. His flying skills quickly led him to become a squadron leader and Ace. Howard won the Medal of Honor in 1944 defending American bombers from German attacks.


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1,000 Man Ambush: SP5 Dwight W. Birdwell

Medal of Honor | S:13 E:3
SP5 Birdwell was awarded the Medal of Honor for fending off an ambush of over 1,000 NVA soldiers in Vietnam....
Listen to 1,000 Man Ambush: SP5 Dwight W. Birdwell

A Ticking Time Bomb: AC1 John Lee Levitow

Medal of Honor | S:13 E:3
AC1 Levitow was awarded the Medal of Honor for ignoring his wounds in order to toss out an explosive flare that would have exploded, igniting his ...
Listen to A Ticking Time Bomb: AC1 John Lee Levitow

Hostage Rescue in Iraq: SGM Thomas P. Payne

Medal of Honor | S:13 E:2
SGM Payne was awarded the Medal of Honor for helping rescue 75 Iraqis from an ISIS compound in what was one of the largest hostage rescues in spec...
Listen to Hostage Rescue in Iraq: SGM Thomas P. Payne

The Invasion of Iraq: SFC Paul Ray Smith

Medal of Honor | S:13 E:1
SFC Smith was awarded the Medal of Honor for his role in protecting his men and fending off the Iraqi attack....
Listen to The Invasion of Iraq: SFC Paul Ray Smith