Stories of America's Greatest Heroes

Ken Harbaugh tells the stories of service members who have distinguished themselves through an act of valor. These stories feature recipients from the Civil War to present day, including a few who were originally overlooked for the medal.

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The Black Panther Tank Battalion: S/Sgt. Ruben Rivers

| S:10 E:1

Staff Sergeant Ruben Rivers served in the Army during World War II. He was a member of the 761st tank battalion, a primarily all black battalion nicknamed the Black Panthers. The panthers were considered an experiment by the U.S. military. At the time, the military was segregated, and they didn’t think black soldiers had the intellect or ability to operate tanks. The 761st had to train for two years before being deployed, as opposed to the usual few months.

Rivers and the rest of the Black Panthers arrived in Normandy in 1944. During 183 days of continuous combat, the Panthers traveled through six countries and liberated 30 towns on their march to Germany, becoming the first african american tank battalion to see combat.

One day near Geubling, France, River’s tank hit a mine, causing shrapnel to shred Rivers’ leg to the bone. He repeatedly refused morphine and evacuation, not wanting to leave his battalion. A few days later, the panthers encountered a German anti-tank unit, and their commanding officer ordered a retreat. Seeing the location of the enemy, Rivers radioed and said “I see ‘em, We’ll fight ‘em!”. He and another tank engaged the enemy, providing cover fire for the rest of the panthers as they withdrew. Suddenly River’s tank was hit by two high powered artillery shells, killing him and wounding the rest of the crew.

Rivers’ Medal of Honor recommendation was initially denied, but it was a long shot considering that at that point, no African American had received the award for their actions in either of the world wars.

Over 50 years later, Staff Sergeant Ruben Rivers was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his fighting spirit and daring leadership.


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