Warriors in their Own Words

Remarkable stories of war told by the men who fought for a proud nation. Their words. Their voices. Our first episodes tell riveting stories from World War II, then we move on to the Vietnam War and other dramatic conflicts.

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Stories From the Aid Tent: SGM Ben Hasley

| S:2 E:145

Sergeant Major Ben Hasley served in Korea and Vietnam as a medic. In this interview he tells the stories of his service in combat and in the aid tent.

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Pathfinder On D-Day: Pfc. Robert Earl Sechrist

Warriors in their Own Words | S:2 E:147
As a Pathfinder Pfc. Secrist was one of the first men to parachute into France before the invasion of Normandy, tasked with guiding other Paratroo...
Listen to Pathfinder On D-Day: Pfc. Robert Earl Sechrist

Operation Ivory Coast: MAJ George Petrie

Warriors in their Own Words | S:2 E:146
MAJ Petrie recounts a significant POW rescue operation in Vietnam....
Listen to Operation Ivory Coast: MAJ George Petrie

Hostage Rescue in the Philippines: CPT Gene Yu

Warriors in their Own Words | S:2 E:144
CPT Yu (a Green Beret) recounts West Point, getting kicked out of SERE school for ordering pizza, his deployments, and leading the effort to rescu...
Listen to Hostage Rescue in the Philippines: CPT Gene Yu

The Battle of Makin: LtCol Howard Stidham

Warriors in their Own Words | S:2 E:143
LtCol Stidham served in World War II with the Marine Raiders. In this interview, he recounts The Battle of Makin, the Long Patrol in Guadalcanal, ...
Listen to The Battle of Makin: LtCol Howard Stidham