Buy Hold Sell

A financial news talk show addressing the events of the week on Wall Street and forecasting what investors should expect in the immediate future. Hosted by Veronica Dudo with permanent panelists, Tobin Smith & Todd M. Schoenberger, joined by a rotation of guest panelists.

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Buy Hold Sell Wall Street Lingo - What is Fedspeak?

Have you ever wondered what Wall Street traders and specialists are really talking about? Welcome to Buy Hold Sell's Wall Street Lingo where we break down critical words and terms to help make you a better investor.

On this episode, Todd Schoenberger of CrossCheck Media and Buy Hold Sell TV introduces you to the term "Fedspeak". You'll learn what the term means to you and Wall Street, as well as when you are likely to hear from Federal Reserve officials. This clip is meant to be educational so you know when, and how, the Fed is going to facilitate public comments about monetary policy.

We hope you enjoy the segment.

For more on CrossCheck Media and its shows, such as Buy Hold Sell, please follow our social sites or go to the official corporate website.

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Twitter: @BuyHoldSellTV

Twitter: @TMSchoenberger

#investing #WallStreet #teaching #language #lingo #Fedspeak #MonetaryPolicy

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