Buy Hold Sell

A financial news talk show addressing the events of the week on Wall Street and forecasting what investors should expect in the immediate future. Hosted by Veronica Dudo with permanent panelists, Tobin Smith & Todd M. Schoenberger, joined by a rotation of guest panelists.

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Unlocking Market Secrets with Rhys Williams of Wayve Capital | Buy Hold Sell

Join seasoned Wall Street traders Todd M. Schoenberger and Tobin Smith as they welcome Rhys Williams, Chief Strategist for Wayve Capital, to an electrifying episode of "Buy Hold Sell." Rhys, formerly with the renowned Spouting Rock Asset Management, sheds light on what sets Wayve Capital apart in the financial landscape. But before delving into Rhys' career move, the trio discusses the historic milestone of the S&P 500 crossing and closing above the key psychological level of 5,000. Rhys unravels the reasons behind the market's soaring performance and unveils the sectors he favors for 2024. Brace yourself for surprises and invaluable insights that only those interested in making money should watch!

Buy Hold Sell is a CrossCheck Media production, distributed via Biz Talk Today TV (BTT) and executive produced by Todd M. Schoenberger.

For those who prefer to watch the television episode of this program, please click here: Rhys Williams on Buy Hold Sell

Social Connections:

Please be sure to Subscribe to the CrossCheck Media and Buy Hold Sell TV channels on YouTube.

Twitter: @XCheckMedia, @BuyHoldSellTV, @TobinSmith, @TMSchoenberger, @rhyswil1775, @AB_Kromah

Instagram: @CrossCheckMedia


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- Rhys Williams Wayve Capital

- Buy Hold Sell podcast

- Market record S&P 500

- Financial sector analysis

- Wayve Capital strategies

- Wall Street traders insights

- Market performance 2024

- Investment surprises

- Making money tips

- Todd M. Schoenberger Tobin Smith


- CrossCheck Media

- Market analysis podcast

- Financial sector trends

- Investment strategies 2024

- Wall Street traders interview

- S&P 500 milestone

- Rhys Williams interview

- Wayve Capital insights

- Stock market performance

- Wealth-building tips

- Buy Hold Sell episode

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